Mar 20, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Tom, I love your voice--that's why I look forward to your writing. I wrote historical works for many of the same reasons you are writing here--to try to figure out what our experience in the past holds for what we do today. I'm writing essays about my family's history these days--not genealogical who-begat-whom stuff, but rather essays that historicize family members' lives. To me that is about "inheritance," so it's much more self-involved that your writing. Thanks for writing--you share your joy and wonder, cynicism and humor. Can't wait for the longer piece!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Well, at least I understand a bit better why you write all this shit, and know that you are not just pissing into the wind! Honestly, has always puzzled me why you liked to read so much, and write for that matter. Completely boring to me, I've probably finished a few dozen books in my life mostly because I had to for school...and even then, especially in college, I bought used books that someone already highlighted to save me some time! Maybe I have ADHD, not sure but books just don't hold my attention and since college I bet I've started 50 books. Many were recommended to me, "this is one you just can't put down" people say, I have NEVER had that experience (I don't think Playboy at 16 counts). The extent of my writing has been pretty much e-mails since finishing my MBA back in 1995, that and power point presentations! It always amazes me how different two kids can be that came form the same parents, same upbringing, etc.! I do enjoy reading YOUR stuff Tom...but keep it short or you lose me!

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Tom, I was so glad to read that you haven’t figured it all out after all this time. It brings me comfort because I sure haven’t found the slightest evidence of some greater meaning to it all.

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Isn't it time we got together for a beer... Caribunkle boy's fur shour... Beer, can help one, find oneself, in thought, in person, in liquid.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

You could have easily put (Huh, Jenn) after "Making up words" too. Every single time I see a $25 word I think of you and the type of conversation you might have using it. I also find I look those $25 words up more because of you. So thank you for that. And also, I never considered writing as a way to "figure it out", but now that you've put that in words, I think that's a lot of what it is.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

You know it's weird, I share your love of writing, but I write very little now and even avoid it to some degree. Lots of reasons for that which we can talk about next time we speak, but the short version is that I lost the energy for it. I'd like it back--it brought me joy--and maybe an exercise like this is the way to achieve that.

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Stopped by to read chapter 1 of your book and read this instead. One of my early (already buried) posts got some unexpected attention today and that made me happy. So here's a "like" and a "how's it going?" for you on this one. Keep it up Tom "not an idiot if first impressions are any indication" Pendergast. Catch ya later.

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"What's it all for?" has been on my mind a lot lately, too.

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