I'm a bad passenger too - especially with my BFF. I don't trust her driving. She drives too close to the car in front of me. She stops suddenly then guns it when she starts. She talks when she drives and I swear she isn't paying attention. And so I try to help her. A couple of years ago I decided to NOT give her instructions as to how to get to where we're going. I simply asked if she knew how to get there. And she said yes. We missed our exit and took us another 20 minutes to get turned around. Soo.... I just have to learn like you to go with the flow. OR just drive. It's because we're control freaks. We can't help ourselves. Or can we?

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That’s funny, but I guess it makes sense: you always want to be the driver. Sitting back and letting someone else be totally in control is really freaking hard!

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

Well, I was going to say congrats, and that it took “real balls” to finally “man-up” and learn to be a decent passenger. But I then remembered the surgery and realized, you had none of those qualities or tools at your disposal. So….. ?

Since you did not ask Sara to confirm these facts, I’m left to suspect that a 4th unmentioned option was at her disposal, and in fact likely her first preference. To simple pull over, kick your sorry arse out on the side of the road, and drive away.

Glad to see when those rare moments of clarity and wisdom emerge and prevail. It leaves me hopeful. Thanks for sharing a great story.

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Thanks for reading it, FFS!

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