Tom, I love this post! The Beetle and the Bogey, to use British nomenclature, would be an intriguing novel title, wouldn't it?

I'm desperately trying to dredge up a memory of a similarly memorable thank you scenario, but so far no dice. I'm disappointed with myself! :D

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There is so much to unpack I don't know where to start! How does one find themselves editing biographical encyclopedias that are read by those being written about? Unfortunately, I have no thank you note story to compete with either of those.

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Oh man, you picked up on a funny part! 30 years ago, we’d edit these things and try to get the subject to review or to add a comment. The more obscure people were more likely to do it, but occasionally you landed a big fish. I don’t mean to sound like an old guy, but it was a different era, pre-wikipedia; hell, we started doing these books pre-internet, thus using actual mail to correspond. What a pain in the ass.

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That's awesome! What a great memory, even though it was a pain. I hope you kept the correspondence. That can provide entertainment for years!

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