Gorgeous landscape. Glad everyone had a great time!

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Looks like great fun!

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Looks like you all had a fun time! My favourite pic is of the gentleman (Aaron?) casually flipping the bird with a winning smile.

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Yeah, that one is great isn’t it? Captures the reality of a trail run: it hurts, but you’re having a blast

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I don't run as much as I used to, but when I did, the trail runs were my favorite. It was a love/hate relationship because several trails narrow so it's single file. It was a lot of me stepping aside to let others pass. I was not fast. It looks like you had a great time with some great friends. Gorgeous scenery!

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This was the perfect setting--the weather was great, the trails were pretty wide and runnable, etc. I’m hoping to be back in form to do it next year. We’ve done a couple Ragnar trail versions down at a place called Crystal Mountain that were pretty fun too ... but you don’t sleep on that one. On this relay, at least you get a break to sleep

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You've probably already seen it, but if not, check out the documentary The Barkley Marathons. Even for people who don't run it's really interesting.

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Those Barkley folks are INSANE! I know of the race but haven’t seen the documentary, I’ll have to check it out

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Big smile on my face as my son and granddaughter and her husband share healthy outdoor fun. In raising my kids in the the outdoors, with hiking and backpacking and farming, I always hoped they would appreciate nature and physical activity as adults. Not only do they live that lifestyle, but they have passed it on to their children, my grandchildren, as well. Big smile on my face.

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Great post, Tom - a good time was obviously had by all! I love the landscape of the relay - absolutely gorgeous pictures. There's something hugely appealing about participating in a team race like this. Reading about people's sporting accomplishments, often in the face of immense challenges, has always been something I've enjoyed - today I've been watching some of the coverage of the London Marathon and oh my goodness me it's goosepimpling. The most I've ever managed is a couple of 10k events and I knew what an effort THOSE were - participants in longer race events are AWESOME!

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It was a really pretty weekend, but yeah, it was the energy of all these people doing something really hard that was just so cool. I’ve done these trail relays in the past, so I can empathize with how hard it is

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Lovely photos!

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

This looked so fun! And good for you for leaning into the spectator experience. I used to run a lot, but have pulled back considerably to avoid injury. It's a cold, rainy day in Brooklyn, but after reading your post, I'm looking longingly at my running shoes.

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Oi, rain! We haven’t seen it here in months, and none expected soon--there’s a persistent forest fire burning west of me that keeps pouring smoke down into the valley and the whole Puget Sound, and a good rain for put a stop to that, but I can’t wish for it, not yet. (Not that wishing would do anything!)

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Oct 2, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Now that's my kind of story, lot of pictures!

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I try to keep a few like that just for you Pete, it’s no good to have your very own brother unsubscribe! But hell, I’ve modeled a whole character in my novel after you …

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Trail running, especially this time of the year, is the best imo. Looked and sounded like a blast; what a great document of the event for you and your teammates.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Great write-up of our awesome weekend out there. Thanks for all your hard work as team captain and your photo-journalism of the event. This will be really fun to look back on in years to come!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

lovely post and great pics!

as dad of the howling dog (Reggie), we'll take a close second ;)

nice seeing you out there and good luck with your recovery!

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Ah man, I wish I had gotten a picture of the howling dog! Thanks, and thanks for reading.

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