Sep 15Liked by Tom Pendergast

I loved this Tom, and it absolutely makes me want to go back to "Araby" again. Couldn't have asked for a better response to Kate's wonderful essay. Cheers to you!

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I have not read this but this makes me want to! Thank you.

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Sep 15Liked by Tom Pendergast

Oh, Tom, this is the best thing I've read for weeks. I had drinks with a student of mine from the 1980s (!), and he recalled how deeply "Araby" impressed him, changed him even. I had assigned it in class, in large part because of that gripping conclusion. How it seemed to touch my own memory; how it seemed to touch so many readers' experiences.

Thank you for this.

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Thanks Mark, so glad you had a good experience with that story too. I’m hoping to use it with some middle school kids this fall, and I wonder how the language will sit with them.

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Sep 15Liked by Tom Pendergast

Wow Tom! I got hooked by your story of going back to see the Michigan home where you lived as a kid growing up. I couldn’t stop reading to the very end. Your discussion of the ambiguities that surround us leaves me

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Thanks so much Carole!

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Wow Tom, I got hooked when you talked about going back to see the Michigan home where you were living when you were growing up and I couldn’t stop reading till the very end. Such a powerful discussion of the ambiguities that surround us. Wow!

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I've never read this -- actually, the only Joyce I've made it through is The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. I've read much of Ulysses via audiobook, but haven't finished it yet...

Amazing though how the story of a place and time an ocean and a century away can trigger memories of your own hometown! If that doesn't represent a "universal" story, I don't know what does... lol

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Oh Graham, I’m sure you’ll love it. The whole collection is good, but “Araby” really has a special place for me (and it’s short!)

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It is now on my list!

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Well isn’t this a wonderful treat. Living literature. So pleased that a return to “Araby” touched you on this way, Tom!

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Sep 15Liked by Tom Pendergast

'Araby' is one of my favourite stories of all time - and I'd forgotten it until now! One of the downsides of reading constantly is that room has to be made for new stories - but the upside is that when I now go and read 'Araby' tonight it'll be like visiting that friend I haven't seen in years, but the catch-up feels like we last talked yesterday. Great story, and a great post about memory and consciousness. Two of my favourite interests.

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Oh boy, I think you’re in for a treat. But you never know, do you? Re-reading Araby made me think of some other favorites that haven’t landed. I went back just yesterday and re-read some Raymond Carver stories and they just fell flat for me. The things that sent off fireworks in my head when I was in my 20s just kind of fizzled now, felt like gimmicks. In a way, Carver tries to do what Joyce did at the end of Araby … he just doesn’t do it as well. Writing well is so bloody hard!!!

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Absolutely - and when something is written really well it looks SO easy. The great irony!

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I was on a creative writing course a year before the pandemic, and I asked the tutor what makes Carver stories so good in her opinion. It was a genuine question, to which her response was "Well if you don't like his writing that's fine." It's disappointing sometimes when one spots the gimmicks, as you put it it, but for me the real questions are: as a reader can I enjoy the stories without having the literary devices intruding, and as a writer can I employ the same devices just as effectively. Ideally, the answers should be yes and no respectively.

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Sep 15Liked by Tom Pendergast

Wonderful, Tom. It's amazing how I can reread a book from 30-40 years ago, of which I have only hazy memories and immediately remember the prose and the way it made me feel way back when. I have not read Araby but I will put it at the top of my TBR list. Thank you for this.

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Love this. Funny, but I’ve been reliving many memories from my childhood lately. For some reason, I’ve had more than a few old friends either reconnect with me, or just pop into my head, and each time a memory of a place is attached.

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Really fun to be transported back, isn’t it?

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I loved this essay, Tom,but on the few occasions I've revisited old haunts it has felt rather sad. I think of all the characters and characteristics of the area that none of the current residents know about. I think of it in the other direction too. Last week my lady wife and I were watching tv, and I said to her, "Just think. In 50 years' time there will be another couple sitting here, watching holovision or whatever has been invented by then, and they will know nothing of us or our lives." We sat for a moment or two, and then laughed.

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I’ve never felt sad going back, at least not yet. But I’m not very prone to sadness. It is odd to think of others living in “our” house, for sure. Glad you liked it Terry.

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Heartwarming. I resonate with your description of returning to the home where you grew up. I’ve done this. It’s a bizarre experience. Beautiful piece.

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Thanks Carissa

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Sep 16Liked by Tom Pendergast

I love this essay for so many reasons. Thanks for writing it! I just returned from a week in Iowa near where I spent the first 18 years of my life. Made pilgrimages to familiar haunts--haunt being the operative word. I love how you found meaning through Joyce. Wow!

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I’m so glad you liked it. I bet that was a haunting!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Tom Pendergast

It was the Phelan or Felan bros. who used to stone us on our way to school.

"Phelan is an Irish surname, one of the two most common anglicisations (the other being Whelan) of the Irish surname Ó Faoláin (which comes from the Irish for "wolf"). The name is commonly seen in the south-east of Ireland, particularly counties Waterford and Kilkenny. Other anglicised forms include, Felan and Faelan."

Tough young Irish tinkers. Probably came to a bad end. Never mind, I soon learned to box properly, and never let anyone get the better of me again, one to one. In the streets or behind the bike sheds.

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Do we all have our bullies? I don’t know anybody who admits to being one. I got sweet revenge on our local bully years later when I was working undercover security at a local store and I busted this guy and hauled him back to the security office. It was only when he told me his name that I recognized him … the story gets better from there, but maybe I’ll save that for a future post. When I think of those guys, I still think “Those fuckers.”

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Sep 16Liked by Tom Pendergast

I think in those days we did all have bullies, this was the 1950's, and as we say in Scotland: "What disnae kill ye, makes ye stronger'. Luckily I was not a weakling and soon put on muscle. I had no fear, just respect and common sense to run away when things went mental. What's more I always backed up the weaker kids, and took on the bullies.

In public health terms, this is known as 'strengthen the host' - or more brutally, "toughen up, or die" :


Ideally growing up would be less confrontational, but in terms of human history, the weaklings were always the first to go under, and I'm afraid that we cannot beat the laws of nature.

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I generally took the same approach Rob, and lucked out by being bigger and stronger than most. Until I met my wife.

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I've never read any Joyce - but oh gosh, now I want to!

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Wow, and I would have pegged you as a Joyce reader. Dip into Joyce with "Araby" and see if you like it, and then read the whole collection. Ulysses is a test for whether you're a serious grad student or not; don't start there, whatever you do. Unless you're Terry Freedman. He could probably pull it off.

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I’ve noticed that it’s available via Libby at my local library, so I’m going to give it a go. Thank you so much for the recommendation!

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Also, the link I put in the post was to a free online version of the whole collection. But Libby … I use it all the time.

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This is just lovely. I've always been intimidated by Joyce, but you're making me curious!

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

Hey, thanks Katharine. I bet you'll be surprised if you dip into that online link and read "Araby." It's not difficult at all. Now Ulysses ... that's a different story. But this story collection is really straightforward.

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