Another great camping story. Great photos really improve your story. One small comment, your readers under 50 may not know who the Clampett's are. : )

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Ha ha, Scott, yeah, I decided to take that chance on the Clampetts reference ... but I thought they might get it even without knowing? I considered Hatfields or McCoys, but I figured those were even more obscure. It’s hard to find this kind of cultural reference these days.

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Or this one over 50 :>(

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Looks so relaxing .

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The lack of bugs really helped!

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Mt. Rainier always looks like it's painted. Beautiful. I'm not a camper (big shock) but I love to live vicariously through others who are willing to camp.

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Isn't Rainier just amazing? I mean, it's good from a distance but once you get up closer, it just seems to fill the sky.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

So cool, Tom - sounds - and looks! - like an amazing trip! And Sara's pochade box is great!

Your line: 'Never stop looking for the “perfect campsite.” For me, it sits along a river and is out of sight and sound of humans" reminds me of all the canal boat holidays we had every October when I was a child. My parents wouldn't ever allow us to moor within sight or sound of a house, another boat, a main road, a railway line, a pub, a campsite, a lock or a boatyard. The time we took my husband along he was baffled that any civilisation (read: PUB) would always be more than a comfortable walking distance away...

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I really need to try this canal holiday thing at some point. It sounds great. Sara and I are starting plans to do some major walking tour in the UK next summer--the Lake District for sure (friends there) and we'll see what else. We try to get the pub in on the way in and out of the wilderness--it's a worthwhile trade for me.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Oooh, my grandparents lived halfway up a fell beside Ullswater - we spent part of every summer in the Lakes. You'll have a wonderful time!

We'd hire a narrowboat every October half-term break, usually (but not exclusively) on the Yorkshire part of the Leeds Liverpool canal. Dad was a long-haul pilot so our holidays would always be on water at a slow and steady 4mph rather than anything involving boarding an aeroplane!

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Wow, that area is so gorgeous. I'm the same as you when it comes to nature. I really don't want to go out somewhere like that and be surrounded by loud music and screaming kids. There's something about the seclusion that makes it extra special.

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I just don’t want to hear electronic shit (or a bunch of chitter chatter). But a nice river …

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Tom Pendergast

Looked like it was a beautiful area to spend some time alone!! Sounds from reading that you two had a great time, had a few hickups but easily fixed.

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What stunning views. That site feels like a rare find, but maybe it’s not? Any sites we’ve been in have been firmly ensconced in the forest, which are lovely but miss that background river music.

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This one was the best we found, but there were a bunch along the river here. This just wasn’t a very heavily visited area of the national forest, thank goodness, and mid-week sure helped.

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Wow, what lovely scenery. The pochade box looks lovely. I hope Sara found that it worked well.

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